
Terraform’s State File: Question and Answer


General question about how Terraform works. Have there been any criticism about keeping a State, which is only an intermediate snapshot of the “state” of the resource, not the actual state of it? It seems to bring forth a lot of issues.


Yes, the concept of Terraform’s state file has indeed been the subject of various criticisms and discussions over the years. While it’s an essential part of how Terraform operates, many users and experts in the community have raised concerns about potential issues it introduces. Below are some of the common criticisms and challenges related to Terraform’s state management:

1. State Drift

2. State File as a Single Point of Failure

3. Concurrency Issues

4. Security Concerns

5. State Size and Performance

6. Manual State Manipulation

7. State Lock-in

8. Challenges with Remote Backends

Possible Solutions and Improvements:

  1. Remote State Backends: Storing the state file in remote backends with state locking mechanisms (e.g., AWS S3 with DynamoDB locking) reduces the risks of concurrency issues, corruption, and accidental loss.
  2. State Encryption: Encrypting state files at rest and ensuring sensitive data (like credentials) isn’t stored in the state file reduces security concerns. Tools like AWS KMS, Azure Key Vault, or GCP Cloud KMS can be used to encrypt state files.
  3. Partial State Management: Features like local-exec and ignore_changes allow partial state management, where some resources are not tracked in the state. This can reduce state size and complexity in certain cases.
  4. Data Sources: Use of data sources to dynamically retrieve information from the cloud provider, instead of storing it in state, can sometimes reduce reliance on the state file.
  5. State Workspaces: Using workspaces in Terraform allows separation of state files for different environments (e.g., dev, staging, prod) to avoid bloating a single state file with multiple environments.
  6. Modular Design: Breaking infrastructure into smaller Terraform modules or using multiple state files for different parts of the infrastructure can help manage the complexity and size of state.

Final Thoughts:

While Terraform’s state management system has been criticized for its limitations, it remains an essential part of Terraform’s infrastructure-as-code philosophy. The key challenge is balancing Terraform’s ability to act as a declarative tool with the need for state tracking, and this will always involve trade-offs. Understanding these limitations, using best practices for state management, and adopting workflows that minimize the risks (e.g., remote backends, state encryption) can help mitigate many of these issues, but it’s true that Terraform’s reliance on the state file brings complexity that must be carefully managed.