

Nowadays there are many ways to play the old-style, coin-operated video arcade games:

The rest of these tips are general notes on setting up either or the last two.


MAME originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, but nowadays it means much more than that. Now it is a project to preserve the code that ran on those old machines. My all time personal favorites video arcade games are: Williams Stargate Defender, Mrs. Pacman, Galaga, and 1942. More information on these games ROMs can be found at

To set up MAME, do the following:

MAME References:


GroovyArcade is an all-in-one OS based on Arch Linux aiming perfect MAME emulation on CRT screens. It can be installed from the LiveCD onto the hard drive, or booted from a USB flash drive. To set up GroovyArcade do the following:

curl -LO
xz -d groovyarcade-2023.11-x86_64.iso.xz
hdiutil convert groovyarcade-2023.11-x86_64.iso -format UDRW -o groovyarcade-2023.11-x86_64
diskutil list 
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk4
sudo dd status=progress bs=1m if=groovyarcade-2023.11-x86_64.dmg of=/dev/rdisk4
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk4

In short, you’ll need to:

GroovyArcade allows the use of multiple different frontends to manage MAME. I prefer to use the Attract-Mode frontend. It seems easier to follow visually, and allows simple configuration via the TAB key.

To have AttractMode re-read the ROMs directory after you update the list of games, do the following:

To update GroovyArcade, including OS, MAME, etc., via CLI shell, do:

sudo pacman -Syu

# If you get signature errors do ...
pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinux

To configure GroovyArcade for a vertical monitor, press ESCAPE from Attrach-Mode then exit into the GroovyArcade UI. There you will find configuration options to do that.

To configure MAME with a specific USB controller, you’ll need configure within MAME itself, by selecting the game from the Attract-Mode menu, then pressing TAB, then configuring the buttons. There’s more info on page

GroovyArcade References: